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 Sessions can be in my office north of Denver, or via zoom video.

Couples Counseling

Communication Style Differences

Intimacy Style Differences




  When I ask him about his feelings, he shuts down and is emotionally absent for 2-3 days.     Now I know how to talk to him in a way that he prefers.  I'm able to relax.











  • First, schedule a 20 minute Discovery Session so I can learn about your situation and explain the process, and you can ask any questions.
  • I am a neutral party for couples, with a mission to learn and understand each of your needs and goals. I specialize in balancing differences in communication and intimacy styles, with the goal of enhancing these areas and enriching relationships. 
  • I am also a certified intimacy & sex coach, and an Enneagram specialist.



Start the journey of achieving your intimacy goals!   
Schedule a Free 20 minute Discovery Session 


SHE:  I feel unattractive.  Why doesn't he want to be with me?

HE:  When my wife wants to be intimate, I want to run away.


SHE:  I feel sexy.

HE:  Now I understand my arousal pattern. 

WE:  Finally we are intimate after months of being distant.











Individual Counseling

  • Make progress on your relationship/marriage, for when your partner is unavailable to do this as a couple.
  • Learn how to identify and attract a partner compatible with your personality and communication style.
  • Men - develop confidence in your masculinity.  This is key to attracting your feminine partner.
  • Develop emotional intimacy when you already have physical attraction.
  • Develop physical chemistry when you already have emotional intimacy.  
  • Is pornography appropriate?  See my approach to this on the Obstacles to Intimacy page.