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Addressing Christian Couples’ Errant Faith-Based Approach to Pornography Challenges, Common with Easy Technological Access

Date Thu, 1/9/2025
Location International Association of Marriage and Family Counselors (IAMFC) Conference 2025


Therapists, individual and couples counselors, psychologists, and pastoral counselors.


“I’m told I’m not availing myself enough to my spouse for intimacy, therefore I'm contributing to his porn attachment or addiction.” 

“I’m supposed to be submissive to my husband.” 

With Christian clients, you may have noticed some scriptural Christian principles impede our ability to teach, counsel, and do therapy, especially in the areas of addressing pornography when it may sap intimacy from the couple, so common with easy technological access. If we, as educators, counselors, and therapists, can understand these Christian principles with clarity, we will be able to empower our clients see the difference between authentic Christian values and pseudo-Christian values. This can mean breakthroughs for our clients’ spiritual journey as they properly understand how their Christian values are essentially NOT at odds with many modern sexuality teachings. Rather than seeing their professional as being at odds with their faith, they'll be delighted that the professional is encouraging them in their faith journey.  


This can mean breakthroughs for our clients' spiritual journey as they properly understand how their Christian values are essentially NOT at odds with many modern sexuality teachings.  Rather than seeing their professional being at odds with their faith (and not returning for another session), they'll be delighted that the professional is encouraging them to deepen their faith journey.  



1.  Identify and discern between "authentic" and "pseudo"-Christian teachings regarding consent and intimacy for couples.

2.  Recognize that the essence of Christian teaching encompasses love, acceptance, and agency, which is also the essence of modern sexuality teaching.

3.  Educators, counselors, and therapists will be able to relate to their clients with conservative Christian values with confidence and not dread, equipped with tools to further their clients' spiritual journeys.


Presented by Rev. Paul Paiva, M.Div., M.A.