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Fall in Love Again for the First Time!

The KEY to Bringing Back the Sizzle is to discover how you and your partner are wired for intimate pleasure. Consider starting a journey of amazing sexual and intimate fulfillment with your partner!

There will be safe, interactive exercises for couples.  Bring your partner or a friend!  Or come as a single and meet other singles!  

Has this ever happened to you?

  • In your long-term relationship, you had good/excellent sexual chemistry at the beginning, but after 5, 10, 15+ years the chemistry has waned.
  • You have been (mis-) labeled as the uninterested party, or the one with a low libido.
  • You want more passion and pleasure, but your partner is satisfied and you are perplexed.
  • You have a solid relationship, but you may be getting bored with your sex life, yet you are committed to growing in love and intimacy with your partner.

If any of the above applies to you, you might enjoy learning about the five styles or blueprints of sexual pleasure! The five blueprints are: Energetic, Sensual, Sexual, Kinky, and Shapeshifter.  We will discuss each blueprint, the shadow side, and we will have a live demonstration of how to determine what your blueprint might be. There will be no nudity during this presentation, rated PG.  Must be 18+ to attend.